The Don’t Freak Out Guide To Parenting Kids With Apserger’s

Don't Freak Out Guide to AspergersDon’t Freak Out… You are not alone!

You are half way through grocery shopping and can tell that your Aspie is about to melt down. You know  you should just 86 the whole thing, but you really need milk, bread and coffee. Eventually your child can’t stand it anymore and falls to the floor in anger.

The outside world sees a screaming kid having a fit. You see the truth; your child has fallen off the wall and you need to help put this little Humpty Dumpty together again. Unlike the fairy tale, none of the Kings Horses and none of the Kings Men are coming to help. But you are not alone. We get it. And we will guide you to a calmer, happier place of acceptance and appreciation.

The Don’t Freak Out Guide to Parenting Kids with Asperger’s is just that; a true guide!  Each chapter is filled with stories of experiences and examples, some humorous, others a bit more serious; but throughout each there is understanding, sincerity and support for those parents that have a child with Asperger’s or high functioning autism.   Each chapter ends with a very helpful summary of key ideas and a “Don’t Freak Out exercise”.    Sharon says, “If you’ve met one person with Asperger’s then you’ve met one person with Asperger’s.”  Despite how different each of our autism spectrum kids are, this book is completely relate-able and comforting as well as very helpful and enjoyable read!  Sharon is reassuring that we are not alone! – Karen Rabinowitz – A Chameleon’s Blog

We will guide you through a simple process that will allow you to:

• Break the cycle of worry, anger and guilt.
• Show you a new way to view your child.
• Help you to become a leader in your child’s life.
• Offer you support, hope and even a few laughs along the way.

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